Javascript to Elm

6: Elm Architecture with Effects



News and updates Elm Architecture with Effects We’re gonna need a few more things in our app setup Update so far has taken a Msg and Model and returned a new Model. We’ll now need it to return a Model AND Command (Cmd). Commands will come right back to our update as a Msg. Which makes sense when you think about it. Update always takes 2 parameters. The first of type Msg, and the next of type Model. Subscriptions will also come right back to our update as a Msg. So now we have Html, Cmd, and Sub Msg that our update can take. Given a model, these are event sources you’d like to subscribe to. Now we’ve got an init that does a bit more than return our initial model. It returns a model and Cmd Msg, just like the output of an update! that makes sense, right? This allows for starting value, and some https requests or whatever else we need to do, i don’t know. Just Data Commands and Subsccriptions are just data. Create the data cmd or sub, and then let the Elm runtime have at it. You don’t actually run the comma