Javascript to Elm

1: HelloWorld



Why this show now? I have gotten a taste of functional programming, and really like it, but Haskell is rough. Map, reduce, filter, slice. I Need that extra little push to keep at it, so by producing this show, I’ve added a little bit of outside pressure to keep me on track. The New Rustacean inspiration Webassembly is coming FrontEnd Masters Lin Clark webpack mozilla So what is the podcast about? Learning ELM as I learn ELM, each episode will focus on a particular part or topic of the language. We’ll start at the beginning together and slowly work up to more advanced topics as we go. Show notes and exercises Possible community interviews and resources I like ELM Town, and would really like more podcast about ELM, rust, web assembly, and other cutting edge shows. If you know of any please drop me a message. What is ELM Elm compiles to JavaScript, so trying out Elm is easy. Current version is 0.18.0 Quick History: created by Evan Czaplicki as his 2012 Thesis. ELM Town podcast Unlike hand-written Java