Public Speaking With David Murray

Speak UP at work! How to speak up in meetings – 065



Does the thought of speaking up in meetings fill you with dread? Do you keep quiet, never contributing for fear of being judged? You’re not alone, many people find meetings a daunting experience and, as a result, end up staying silent. Though this may feel like the safe option, it could be having a negative impact on your career. If you sit at the side-lines, you’ll remain invisible to your colleagues, including your boss, which could mean you’re overlooked when it comes to being offered exciting opportunities. In today's podcast I share my tips to help you feel confident enough to contribute in meetings and make sure people start paying attention to what you have to say. You can’t control how other people will respond to what you say, and you’re never going to be able to please everyone. What you can control is how you present yourself, and whether you take opportunities to speak up or let them pass you by. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help speak and communicate with confiden