20-20 Women Lead Podcast

Lisa Lee, never limit yourself regardless of your title



In this episode, we invited GM - Sr. QA Program Lead, Lisa Lee to share her experiences with us. She will also introduce QC | CI | CD | CT | Robot Framework those common topics in software engineering with a flow of easy words. If you’re an engineering relative career, you must not miss this episode. 從小在台灣,畢業工作一陣子以後才前往美國的她,擁有資工學歷、PMP證照、敏捷證照。這次訪談中她不但會談到她的經歷更會以淺顯易懂的方式跟大家介紹 在軟體工程的討論中時常被提及的:品質保證( QC )、持續整合 ( CI ) 、持續佈署 ( CD ),同時也會介紹其中一個測試常使用的框架—Robot Framework。若你是技術背景,不可錯過這一集的20–20 women lead podcast ! --------- 本集節目製作團隊 製作人/Producers:Jane Shih, Yiying Chen, Tai Tsao 主持人/Host:Lily Hsu 同訪成員/Co-host:Yiying Chen, Tai Tsao 剪接/Audio Editor:Lily Hsu, Elisa Chang 逐字稿紀錄/Transcript:Jane Shih 中文摘要校稿/Chinese Translation Proofreading:Joy Kao 社群行銷/Marketing: Rae Chen, Tai Tsao 視覺設計/Marketing Designer:Yiying Chen