Mom Wants More

Staying Sane as a Multi-Passionate Mama with Tayler Paterson



We say this all the time around here: YOU ARE MORE THAN ONE THING. Whether you find yourself stepping into a new season like motherhood, opening a business, or moving towards a dream in your heart, it can become tricky to navigate holding this new thing that takes up so much of your heart along WITH all the other hats you wear in a day. Today we sat down with Tayler Paterson, a mama in that tender, transitional season of raising a little one while going after her big dreams. Tayler is an American who fell in love with a Kiwi and moved to New Zealand to build a life with him. (Y'all. They met on Instagram and you have to listen in to hear Tayler share their story because it is THE ACTUAL BEST!) In 5 years they've walked through a lot of big transitions- they've gotten married, had a baby, opened a coffee business, and they each have other jobs they do on the side. We loved Tayler's honest and helpful insight on how we as mamas can stay sane as muli-passionate women, mother wholeheartedly, and hold multiple dre