Talking About Horses With Di Denton

All About Equitana & Equifest Australia - Episode 11



An always interesting mix of Exhibition, Education, Competition, Shopping and Entertainment Equitana Australia has become a popular and solid fixture on the Australian (and international) horse events calendar since its inception in 1999. It provides the one opportunity (biannually) that members from each of the wide range of horse fields in Australia (and internationally) can gather and socialise under one, horse loving, Australian roof. Equitana Australia is held biannually in Melbourne and has now expanded ‘across the ditch’ with New Zealanders about to experience their own Equitana New Zealand in late 2017. Event owner and manager, Rod Lockwood, spoke with Di Denton about the inception and development of Equitana Australia, his newest event Equifest NSW and now Equitana New