Minionworks - Actual Play Rpg Podcasts

MoMM 1.1 - The Second Episode



After their first (unrecorded) adventure to retrieve a magical lantern from a treant in the Witchlight Fens, the party has managed to recover and is now exploring Fallcrest while awaiting Max's next set of orders. While doing so, the adventurers have managed to attract the attention of some of the town's more unsavory citizens; a decrepit beggar and trio of Tieflings to name a few. Fortunately, the team manages not to end up in the stocks. Well... MOST of the team manages not to end up in the stocks anyway. Luckily though, Max finally summons them with instructions to retrieve their next artifact: some magical bellows from a small cottage south of Winterhaven. So, our heroes head out northwest, along the King's Road. What will they cross paths with as they make their way through the Gardbury Downs? Find out in this episode of the Misadventures of Max's Minions!