Minionworks - Actual Play Rpg Podcasts

MoMM 1.2 - Big Trouble in Little Cottage, Part 1



The party, brushing off their encounter with a ravenous half-parrot, half-stag on the King's Road, makes it to Winterhaven and bids farewell to the gypsys they rescued in the process. Upon arriving at the cottage described by Max, it's immediately obvious to the party members that he failed to mention a few details; specifically the 40-foot tall tower built on to the back of it. Making matters worse, someone has apparently beaten them to the cottage as evidenced by a massive hole blown out of the tower's back wall. Inside, they find what appears to be Max's private workshop and there are things missing, a massive forge for one. With no bellows in sight, the heroes decide to head out and track down the tower's thief but... nature has other plans for our adventurers. There is big trouble brewing in our latest episode of The Misadventures of Max's Minions!