Male Mastery

Male Mastery Podcast #17 with Dominic Knight



This week we have best selling author, public speaker and therapist Dominic Knight in the studio. Dominic Knight is one of the UK's most recognised and highly credited clinical hypnotherapists and NLP Master Practitioners. Having helped thousands of people turn their life around and be the best that they can be, Dominic has built an impressive reputation based on his impeccable results. As always we like to delve deep into male and female psychology and there is no one better to discuss this with than Dominic. He and the team discuss the perfect mindset to have as a man when it comes to attracting women and how it's based upon your own direction and purpose in life. Dominic also shares his insights on natural ability vs time invested and hard work and some of his observations are very enlightening to say the least. Please come in, take a seat on the chais lounge and get ready to have your insecurities vanquished by the exceptional skills of Dominic Knight.