Synergy Mindset Coaching

Battered Hope with Carol Graham



Through multiple devastating experiences, Carol has never ever given up Hope. She is resilient and strong and helps Women create the life of their dreams. Today, may you be inspired and take one step closer to creating the life of your dreams. Carol Graham has survived the challenges of major illnesses, devastating personal losses including the loss of a child, and financial ruin more than once. Yet she has refused to become a victim. Her goal is to share with others how to survive and thrive. Carol Graham is the author of a fast-paced award-winning memoir, Battered Hope, the blog Never Ever Give Up Hope, and a regular contributor to numerous magazines, including her own column Matters of the Heart.  She has been published in several anthologies including a best-seller. In 2015, Carol received the Woman of Impact Award from Focus on Women Magazine and Author of the Year for her memoir, Battered Hope. In 2018 Carol received the global award