Losing Our Religion

EPISODE 000: Welcome to the Freak Show: Zac Gandara



Hi, I'm Zac Gandara. The host of Losing Our Religion. I am a former evangelical mega-church pastor. Although I was baptized catholic as an infant, then as a protestant in elementary school, then as a pentecostal in High School. Now? I'm trying to heal after my traumatic exvangelical exit from institutional religion. How have I healed since my exit from religion in 2011? Very irregularly. If you keep listening to this podcast, you're going to hear my story of healing and transformation, as well as hundreds of other humans. I urge you to listen with empathy because you're never going to agree with everything I say, or with the life choices, which I and others have made for ourselves. But I can say that each guest and I are all happier, healthier, and more compassionate humans because of our transformations out of religion. If you keep listening, you'll find out that this isn't a podcast against religion at all. By having a podcast called "Losing Our Religion," I'm not saying I hate religion. I'm saying I'm not