Don Woods

Don's in Love Again



Got a call from a guy who works on The One Show asking if they could use a small section of my YouTube song about Una Stubbs….as she was a guest on the show…I naturally agreed and they used a small section of the chorus when she was introduced….was somewhat hidden by the applause for her but hey nice one eh? I wrote this song many years ago and actually got a record deal from a major record company….which didn’t materialise so I recently re-recorded it and put it on YouTube and on one of my quirky albums…I also sent her a copy and she phoned me up and thanked me…a national treasure indeed… I have been watching repeats of the original Hi-De-Hi series and can’t believe how good it was…it’s hilarious….the wonderful cast and classic scripts…absolutely brilliant…unlike “Benidorm” which has totally lost it’s way…thank goodness it’s finished…a 5 year old could write a better script…and by co-incidence Ruth Madoc was in the last episode…talk about one extreme to the other…let’s hope that’s the last we see of it…to