Don Woods

Dick Turpin 2014



The track I’ve sent you this week is called “The 4122” which was the last train down the Wirral way before they closed the line and converted it into the present footpath and cycle track. There can’t be enough to fill the news so the BBC have resorted to reporting “killer” mussels which are arriving in the Thames from foreign climes ..this together with “killer” shrimps which are already here it’s time to worry about this and not the threat from terrorists. I pay £285 road tax and there is a move afoot to ask people in local constituencies to volunteer to fill in potholes in the road…. The NHS have been on strike…first one in 35 years because Mr.Hunt has decided we can’t afford the ONE PERCENT wage increase they are asking for…says the man who will get a NINE percent rise. Mind you people who keep us alive can’t possibly be as important as a high speed rail link that no-one wants…and costs BILLIONS. My pal informed me he is making a will and against my advice he went to a solicitor…...even Dick Turpin