Don Woods

How Cool was that!



The Budget…..Osborne has been holding up the red bag….which has pleased the old folk (prospective voters)….so it looks like our savings will make a bit of interest for a change. However up jumps Ed Balls with his totally negative view on the whole thing….no matter what one side does - the other will disagree with. There has been a programme on the attempted kidnapping of Princess Anne 20 years ago…I can’t remember this can you?...apparently her car was blocked by another on the Mall and her bodyguard got out and was shot three times….he has received an award for his bravery…the guy tried to drag Anne out of the car….what was I doing 20 years ago? There is a programme called “The Big Re-Union” where boy and girl bands are reforming to go back on the road…it’s quite interesting but I think some of them need therapy. It all looks a bit contrived to me…and has a feeling of desperation about it….but good luck to them…I think they will need it. The Northern Lights are back in the news….Carole Kirkwood t