Don Woods

Let's Hang On ...



I went to the Floral Pavilion new Brighton last week to see “Let’s Hang On” which was a tribute to the music of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons….it was sensational…the quality of the musicians and singers was outstanding.It was a full house and the whole place was on it’s feet at the end…brilliant. I love the Four Seasons stuff and last year went to see “Jersey Nights” on the Liverpool Empire which was also brilliant….the main show “Jersey Boys “ has been on in London for a few years but I’ve heard that will soon be touring…that will be on my agenda. For me the music has to be authentic and this was. We have our song for Eurovision….it sort of came out of nowhere…no judging no pack drill…never heard of the girl singing it but good luck to her. The song is called “Children of The Universe” and is like a million others….the girl singing it also wrote it so let’s hope it gets more than the usual nil pwa….I must say I quite enjoy watching the spectacle but why on earth WE get involved is a mystery to me….I’m