Don Woods

Witherspoon or Withoutaspoon?



Big outcry from the road safety campaigners about a Wetherspoons pub they are building at one of the motorway service stations…I would doubt if it’s any campaigners – more the rip off motorway services who charge extortionate prices for their second rate food…bit of competition eh? last a bit of value on the motorways……they come up with nonsense like “It will encourage drink driving”…what a load of twaddle….they also sell coffee as well as good value food…..if drivers want to drink all they have to do is pull off the motorway and drive a few hundred yards. I wish these so called organisations would stop telling us what we can and can’t do !!!! I would like to congratulate the TV channels for managing to have absolutely NOTHING worth watching last Tuesday…that is unless you want to watch some overweight blobbys attempting to lose a bit of blubber…no thanks…….oh yes and Coronation Street which made the headline news with one of the characters dying…real cheerful stuff…and people think it’s REAL…..a sad