Don Woods

Don Woods-Do you think I'm Sexy?



There has been a lot of complaining about the money councils are obtaining from parking fines….this has always been a bone of contention with us Brits….personally I can’t see a problem…DON’T PARK ILLEGALLY !!...some people seem to think they are special and have some sort of “right” to park wherever they like with no consideration for anyone else….I find the car parking charges a bit excessive in Birkenhead so I park outside the zone and walk in…no problem. On the same subject high street shops are up in arms about the business they are losing because of double yellow lines outside their premises…SO there is a suggested move by the government to allow parking on them for a short time….have you ever heard anything more ridiculous?...can you imagine the havoc this could cause…the yellow lines are there for a reason…namely to prevent gridlock and keep pedestrians safe…or have I got it wrong…and how can this possibly be successfully monitored? On the subject of money collection there is a programme on the tel