Don Woods

Sting...Coffee and Sir Cliff



Big hoo hah about the intention of Wetherspoons opening up a place on the motorway….”It will encourage drivers to drink”….”Those struggling to abstain will be tempted”….…the reason for the complaints is probably because Wetherspoons do cheap good value food and cheap COFFEE … unlike the present rip off service stations….and maybe PASSENGERS would like a pint…I’m a big fan of the ‘Spoons .. go get ‘em guys. Two more items of scary news this week….full out announcement - “shower gel could have a bad effect on pregnant women’s babies…and they must avoid eating food which has been plastic wrapped”…this is from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynacologists (imagine working there and having to say that every time someone asks you where you work)….but they later added that this is only an assumption…so let’s scare everyone first!!........ALSO there are KILLER jelly fish in the Med….purple ones !!....a jellyfish is like a nettle…they don’t chase you and in virtually every case you rub a bit of ammonia on th