Thanks, Academy!

A Man for All Seasons with Joe Hafkey



Oh boy, oh boy, a movie about a lawyer having a dumb argument with an idiot. The story of Thomas More vs Henry VIII is not without its charms and intrigues, but you wouldn't know it from this dull plodding Kodachrome movie that feels like a cheap community theater edition. The acting is mostly dull, the script is nigh unintelligible, and the visuals are ponderous and unhelpful. That just leaves the debates. Lots and lots of debates. On the one hand, there's a bit of a Mueller vs Trump vibe going on, but on the other hand, no there isn't, because Thomas More comes across as a cold, narcissistic, psychopathic nincompoop who tossed away his loving family in the service of winning (losing) a Facebook comment thread fight. And we don't even get to see his head chopped off. Boo all around.