Loud Pipes!

175: Annual Predictions 2020



Annual Predictions - 2020 *2019 scoring (tie Jon and Rich) * 2 points, correct prediction, unanimous among the group or evidence to prove it 1 point, yeah you were on the right path, but not 100% or cannot prove or not unanimous 0 points, you were just wrong Jon * 0 - No dice for Indian AFT 2019 (no championship) * Nope, Indian killed it again * 0 - Indian announces / releases electric * Nope * 2 - Two bikes in Clubhouse * At least Rich * 0 - Harley or Indian release a bike under 500cc * Nope * 2 - Another H2 in Kawasaki line * Yeah baby, the Z H2 (https://www.kawasaki.com/motorcycle/z/hypersport/z-h2) * 0 - we lose another motorcycle manufacturer - signs of overall recession coming and that only spells more bad news for motorcycles * None that I can find Clubhouse **Tony T** * 1 - I got a prediction for 2019. I don’t know about the Sportster line but I thin