Bellwether Hub Podcast

A Macro View of Micro Management



Just hearing the term “micromanager” makes my skin crawl. I have flashbacks to late nights in the office, constant revisions of pointless e-mails, and lovely reminders of why I left the corporate life. In fact, while working on this week’s post and podcast, my two year old daughter happened to drop her first “F” bomb. I believe they may be related.  We hate micromanagement - no secret there. It’s ubiquitous with the frustration of corporate life; and when we think of all the reasons we dislike a job or look to move, having a micromanager is typically at the top of the list.  It’s become so ubiquitous, in fact, that many of us just accept the fact that it’s there, and we don’t go beyond and try to understand it. But through understanding, and a different perspective, we might be able to deal with that boss that drives us up a wall - or change the way that we are managing our own people.  Why We Hate It There aren’t many surprises in the research on micromanagement - it shows we don’t like it. The c