Bellwether Hub Podcast

Helping Others by Minding Your Own Business



We love helping people. The psychological benefits are well known; we feel rewarded and valued; we like being needed and being the hero, the savior and the champ. It’s … nice.  Unfortunately - all of those descriptions are about the benefits for YOU, not the person being helped. And there is a nuance to helping, where the reward, value and feelings of heroism need to be pushed to the back, and we need to be reminded that in order to properly help other people - the focus purely needs to be on them, not us, and they have to do a lot of the work.  Beyond the fundamental aspects of helping others, there is a science. Helping people, and I mean PROPERLY helping people (not just dictating your opinions), requires a framework and guidelines. Fortunately for all of us - there are people who study this stuff. (Recommended reading: Helping by Edgar Schein). Most of the advice we receive we don’t take. And the reason we don’t take it is because it’s coming from the perspective of the person giving it. And for