Mom Wants More

Letting Go of Comparison



We've all heard the famous quote, "Comparison is the thief of joy", and today on the podcast we're diving into this uncomfortable topic because as moms and creatives we're deeply aware of how true this statement is. If you're trying to improve your career, your mothering, your wellness, your marriage, your creative work, or just about any other area of your life, there's a good chance that you'll encounter a perceived disparity between your reality and the woman next to you. It's all too tempting to believe that she has it easier, or better, or that her "success" is a threat to your own. The bummer is that when we fall into patterns of comparison or envy, we are the undoing of our own goals and desires. When we're busy obsessing over everyone else, there's not enough time and energy left to actually run in our own lane. In today's episode we're diving into what triggers comparison, what it looks like, simple ways we can actively combat it, and a surprising twist on how we can use it for good. Grab your favori