Quoth the Raven

DJ REM Interviews - Gravehuffer



Since their inception in 2008,  Gravehuffer has crafted their sound into an other-worldly amalgamation of Crust, Punk, Metal, Grindcore, and unapologetic down-tuned Sludge-laden Doom. Featuring James Hiser on vocals, Ritchie Randall on guitar, and a rhythm section comprised of Mike Jilge on bass, and Jeremiah Willis on drums, Gravehuffer steers clear of trends and limits by being themselves and letting the music take them where it wants to go. With an assortment of 28 original songs in their repertoire that showcase the vast array of influence the band pulls from and a fearlessness to never conform or compromise, Gravehuffer is in it for the sake of the songs and the art itself in a world where most are content to follow rather than lead. Where to Find more about Gravehuffer http://www.gravehuffer.bandcamp.com https://open.spotify.com/artist/2lpTKT1d1BqL8NTJNZGPVO www.instagram.com/gravehuffer www.soundcloud.com/gravehuffer www.twitter.com/gravehuffer www.youtube.com/krommetal