Trc:365 With Phillip Cooper

TRC:364 #3 Warranties



Do you love buying that extended warranty? Sometimes it's worth it and sometimes it's not. We review the 3 most important items for you the property owner or homeowner with warranties.  #1 Discovery of service and what exactly do you need. If you select the wrong service or issue you've already misspent your money. During the discovery stage, discuss what's important to you (color, durability, issue itself, etc.). Now that you know what you need or want, let's get 3 contractor's out to the property. Before signing a contract lets review #2 Workmanship warranty & #3 product warranty.  Ask questions about both. Do these align with my goals and want's found in the discovery stage. If you are moving in 4 years does the 40 year warranty help you? The biggest bit of advice is reaching a local contractor to understand the area's mean price, warranties, and product's that are common. These type of business providers are built on strong workmanship and warranties that are worth the paper there on.