Greg Chats Cash

Side Hustles &Leaving Day Jobs



Thinking about quitting the day job? What are some things to consider along the way? How can you prepare financially, include family in decisions, and foster positive conversations with your current employer? When should we start? Greg chats with Lindsay Lawless. She’s an accountant, business networking ninja, & social media maverick @LawlessBalance on Instagram, on Anchor, and at Also, follow her adventures supporting the Boss Women Communities and more @jandlcity on Instagram. She’s always down to support our communities with quality resources and info. Feel free to reach out with your questions! AUDIO QUALITY WARNING: There is some audio delay in my end of the conversation. This makes it difficult to follow at times, but I want to share the content, good or bad, because so much of this interview is gold. (Lindsay actually used FB LIVE while we were recording, so if the guest gives me a better audio copy, maybe I can repost. That would be very humbling f