Eli Goldsmith Inspired Flow!

The Flow of Music & Fasting!



Today is a fast day for my spiritual people, cleansing and returning our selves to intrinsic truths. Tom Bilyeu on Impact Theory really encourages to fast on a physical level every so on! Our calendar spirituality gives the flow that today is the day to fast! Music is actually also not encouraged as this is a more of a mourning time during the 3 weeks! However, music has a deep universal flow of experience as most Spiritual songs in my culture are at the form of ABCB. This has a spiritual root in the name of the Creator which flows from an Intro A - י the creation point to a deeper expression B - ה to the climax of song C - ו and then concluding with the return to B - ה the culmination in the lowest realities! Music is a deep flow of connection and fasting removes the blocks. For more stay tuned and consult with unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com :)