Losing Our Religion

EPISODE 219: THANKS DAD, for Being a Narcissist: Meghann



Meghann, from the bible-land of Indiana, was conceived while her parents were getting a divorce. Growing up fast taught her very quickly that her experiences with her father traumatized her. But she healed, here’s Meghann’s story. MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: NEW VIDEO TRAINING SERIES! 12-week Video Training: Rembering Who You Are, Reprogramming & Transformation. Your Access is Waiting! Become a Member Now! COACHING WITH ZAC GANDARA: Break glass ceilings and transition through tough shit. CONTACT THE GUEST: CONTACT ZAC FULL SHOW NOTES: EPISODE 219: THANKS DAD, for Being a Narcissist: Meghann LOSER DEALS: Save 50% on QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Self-Employed DO YOU LOVE THE PODCAST? JOIN US WITH SUPPORT. Support the podcast by leaving us a Rating & Review on iTunes or your podcast app. Donate to the Podcast. Through PayPal, Venmo, or Cash App! Join the CounterCulture Society and become a Producer through our Patreon. FOLLOW US: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LosingOurReligionPodcast.com. RECEIV