Bellwether Hub Podcast

Irish Bellwethers: Patrick Flynn on Playwright Creativity and Confidence



This week’s podcast highlights a Bellwether of Irish American origin. Patrick Flynn is playwright, actor, professor, host of the Original Cast Podcast and casual vexillologist (look it up), among many other things.  What fascinates me, and what I love, about playwrights, actors and musicians is the fact that they all have one thing in common: they expend their energy creating something new that leaves them vulnerable enough to be destroyed by strangers.  We all have a fear of rejection, of failure, of being disliked. And to follow a path of love to a place riddled with each is one journey that most people won’t dare to take. Those that do take the journey earn my legitimate and sincere respect.  Patrick is brilliant, in the truest sense of the word. Not only does he create fantastic and entertaining work, he is also brilliant in the way that he communicates with the people around him. He is a light; I sincerely believe that it is impossible to not like Patrick.  We all know at least one person lik