Bellwether Hub Podcast

Finding Perspective Amid a Pandemic



Happy Corona Week/Month/Quarter. Things seem to be changing faster than any of us can keep count. Life has been turned upside down, which was fun for a hot minute until things got even crazier.  We have a two year old. My wife is full time employed, I’m self employed. We are all working from home - Gabby on her work, me on mine, Isabelle on Frozen 2. I’m not balding - but if the next eight weeks go as well as the past two days - I will be by April.  In stressful times, I like to go on a long run. It’s where I do my best thinking; I get to go into my own head and have a nice, little, split personality conversation with myself. The people on the trail think I’m crazy, but whatever, I can run faster than them.  My “thinking running” helps me gain perspective. I’m able to jump back and forth between big picture and me picture; separating problems I can solve from circumstances I need to respond to. And on this run, my perspective was focused on what I needed to do to make it through eight weeks of iso