Unsw Speakeasy Podcast

S05, Extra Easy Ep 1: COVID-19 & Harm Reduction Special



In times like these, we all need good information to guide us and sometimes what we need goes beyond the general advice to something a little more specialised... In this episode we talk with NUAA Deputy CEO Charles Henderson about the most recent harm reduction info and advice for people who are using drugs in a COVID-19 environment. NUAA’s COVID-19 advice https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cc8ed0465019fb4eca08a46/t/5e71c14f55248a329725efae/1584513363076/UPDATED+COVID19+a5+handout++THN+edit.png www.nuaa.org.au How to contact drug user organisations around Australia http://aivl.org.au/aivl-member-organisations/ Factsheet for people with hepatitis B and C – Hepatitis Australia https://www.hepatitisaustralia.com/Handlers/Download.ashx?IDMF=e9924223-888a-47a3-8295-5add820aa204 AFAO COVID-19 Factsheet for LGBTIQ & HIV Communities https://www.afao.org.au/our-work/coronavirus-covid-19/ Full disclosure: Our guest for this episode - Charles Henderson is in an ongoing relationship with A