Losing Our Religion

MONDAY MELTDOWN: Why Are We Protesting Social Distancing?: Zac Gandara



Have you seen these protests against social distancing? Signs that read, “Social Distancing is Communism.” Is this real life? What are we doing? How can we help one another? Can we get better? MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: COACHING WITH ZAC GANDARA: It's time for change. WEEKLY-ISH EMAIL: Coaching, News, and Updates on New Video Training Release VIDEO TRAINING SERIES & OTHER CONTENT Your Access is Waiting! Become a Member Now! SHOW NOTES: MONDAY MELTDOWN: Why Are We Protesting Social Distancing?: Zac Gandara "You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better." - Anne Lamott LOSER DEALS: Save 50% on QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Self-Employed Transitions are hard, making them alone, even harder. Sometimes you need an unbiased third part to coach you through. [GET COACHING NOW!] Monday Meltdown is Our Weekly Chat with Each Other: Your Questions, Confessions, Comments and Meltdowns. Join the Monday Meltdown show