Bellwether Hub Podcast

Making Good Choices: Problems vs. Circumstances – Episode 52


Sinopsis Happy Wednesday.  First - I want to thank everyone for the lovely notes and conversations over the past few weeks generated from the last two podcasts. They seem to have resonated with a lot of people, which is great. What I found in many of the conversations I had with people is that we all have different ways of looking at challenges. With that in mind, my focus on this week’s podcast is on problems vs. circumstances. We all hear that we should just “focus on what we can control” and everything will be fine. It’s a positive psychology-type of mentality that is helpful for some - but to just leave it at that leaves a lot out. We assume we know what we can control.  When I think about challenges, I put them into two buckets: problems and circumstances. Problems I can solve, circumstances I respond to. 99% of my (and your) challenges are from circumstances. Coronavirus is a circumstance. Having asthma is a circumstance. Job loss is a cir