Losing Our Religion

Best Of Episode: White People Homework for Black Lives Matter Allies: Tori Glass



In place of our regularly scheduled episode, due to current events around George Floyd's murder, I want to reintroduce Tori Glass. Tori is an anti-racist educator, writer, content creator, and prolific tweeter. She is teaching people Dr. King called, “People of Goodwill,” how to do the work that is theirs, in their communities. Anyone who aspires to allyship and accountability is welcome to join her. MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Does the question, “What can I do about racism?” sound familiar? You may have found yourself asking this question. Maybe you asked it to yourself. Maybe you asked it of an author during the Q&A following a book reading. Perhaps you asked a person of color online. Well, my friend, you are in the right place. Here is your answer. This is what you can do. WHITE HOMEWORK COACHING WITH ZAC GANDARA: I help you work through the Grief of Past Lives. Empowering YOU to let go and create your desired future. It functions much like talk therapy but with poignant salient goals and techniques to