Minionworks - Actual Play Rpg Podcasts

Dooneyland 1.17 - Dooneyland in 3D - Part Three



A badly broken Fungineering intern. Screaming kids and forklifts. A grouchy Dooneyland veteran playing babysitter and chauffeur for a silver-tongued lawyer. Thank the Great Rooster that the park is closing early! The opening of Zooxville is mere moments away and, as typically happens, everything has gone to hell in a handcrafted, hundred-dollar gourmet Dooneyland popcorn bucket. Will Madison continue to drop the ball on covering for Emmeline? Will Emmeline drop kick her precocious proctor before dropping him off at Corporate HQ? Will Sean drop poor Dominic off with a medic... or keep him around for the selfie opportunity? And what bomb is Bryce Dooney about to drop on everyone? Buckle up and hang on, because the ribbon across the gate to Zooxville is about to be cut.