Jenna & Julien Podcast

Podcast #7 - Bad Neighbors, Rude People, and Miniaturizing Animals for Pets with Kit



We are joined by the electric Kit this week as we discuss a pretty wide array of topics. Starting out with some legal talk in the least boring way possible..Then I (Julien) show you guys my awesome new phone. Kit then told us a great story about her horrible nightmare of a neighboring tenant and his (shitty) roid rages. Then Jenna rants about how people are so quick to take a mile when you give them an inch (very enlightening rant). Then we deviate into talking about which animal shrunken down would make the best pet..We finish with some annoying Forrest Gump quotes and my argument that running in society should be accepted..Comment your best animal shrunken down into a pet idea, and anything else you care to share with us.. Love you all. 15:57 Kit's horrible bodybuilder neighbor 22:45 How Jenna ended up in Pitbull's Fireball Music Video 25:50 Peach!!! 26:00 Jenna's rant on "give people an inch, they take a mile" 33:29 Julien asks why people are rude.. 39:22 What animal shrunken down would make the best pet