The Chaise Lounge Podcast

Marketing Genius and Home Stager Karen Post | S26E7



There are lots of ways our guests have entered interior design - some have stumbled into the industry, some have gone through an educational program. Karen Post of Home Frosting joins Nick May today on The Chaise Lounge.  She got her start in the sale of a high rise unit, when her realtor advised her to stage her home. Karen started her business and wanted to learn all about interior design, so she attended seminars where she found Nick. Her and Nick have one important thing in common: they know the value of marketing. HGTV even found her website and she has been on four of their shows. Now that’s strong branding! For more information on the kinds pf projects Karen works on, check out her website and follow her on Instagram @homefrostingfl Sometimes it’s better if you don't know all the stuff because then you don't have any limits. As long as you do your homework and you take care of your customer and you have fun, anyone can do anything. Karen Post Tweet Chaise L