Radiant Mix

33: “I Was Just Myself and That’s When I Booked All the Shows.”…with Kailey Hsu



So excited to introduce to you Kailey Hsu, a top fashion model who so openly shares about her unique mixed experience being Chinese and Hungarian. Now that is a mix! For this episode, we talk about navigating life being considered ethnically ambiguous, how Kailey grew into being proud of who she is, race relations within the fashion industry, the importance of knowing your worth, the power of setting boundaries and her thoughts on how we can have hope for the future. Enjoy this inspiring episode and gain a little behind the scenes look at the fashion industry….   SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: Life through the lens of an “ethnically ambiguous” model The power of self-worth and letting things go that don’t serve you How the feeling of belonging changes as we mature An insider’s perspective of the role race plays with casting & modeling within the fashion industry The importance of deep listening, being kind and going for your dreams   Links: @KaileyHsu @RadiantMix Spark Session - Coaching Consultation with Hope Radian