Coming Undone With The Tenacious Minx

Focusing on ‘Me’ Facilitates Healing the ‘We’ ~ Guest Ana Hernando, NBCOT



Rendezvous With Rhonda Radio Show How can focusing on 'me' facilitate healing the 'we'?  The majority of us have been taught that the needs of others take precedent over our own. Yet this suppression of our individual needs weakens our immunity - mind, body and spirit. Join Rhonda and her special guest, Ana Hernando, as they discuss focusing on your own needs which facilitates the general healing of society.  Ana Hernando is a National Board Certified Occupational Therapist, Holistic Healthcare Practitioner and Medical Intuitive.  Passionate about solution-creating, her goal is to utilize her soul-inspired gifts to assist people with awareness, information, tools and resources to heal not just their amazing bodies, but also their hearts and minds while integrating with their souls. ​The plethora of information available to people in the mainstream is often confusing and overwhelming. Ana became a healthcare provider to empower people to know how to master their lives and their health. Her clinical experiences