Coming Undone With The Tenacious Minx

The Courage to Come ALL the Way Out ~ Rhonda Burns



Rendezvous With Rhonda Radio Show Welcome to me having the courage to come all the way out of the closet! Mine is a variation of so many others, but it's a real challenge many of us have; especially when living as our true, authentic selves butts up against anything relating to sex and sexuality. When we meet traditional norms and say, "no thank you", it pushes buttons and sets off mega-triggers. I have had such awe and admiration for individuals having the courage to come out of their own closets... as the fullest expression of themselves, especially when its met with violent opposition and oftentimes, great loss. As a result of some mega truth-telling with myself, and having lots of years of experiences and secrets held in great confidence, I know that now is the time for me to move the Rendezvous with Rhonda radio show into the new evolution we're being called to where sex, sexuality, intimacy, relationships and relating is concerned; down & dirty, REALLY REAL style with yours truly. Come join me as I shar