Coming Undone With The Tenacious Minx

Breaking Ranks to Make a Difference ~ Rhonda Burns



Rendezvous With Rhonda Radio Show Breaking ranks is a conversation I'm excited to have with you today! Many of us are doing this, perhaps just in some small part, but it's important that we talk about it. Breaking ranks is important to make a difference in our own personal lives, as well as the world at large. The world doesn't need more followers right now. It needs leaders who are breaking ranks more every day and choosing a path that is less traveled, less known and honestly, perhaps, quite uncommon.  This is the kick-off conversation-starter of a series I'm thrilled to share with you called: The Uncommon Leadership Series. I'm going to bring on the show, some of the Uncommon Leaders I'm watching and interacting with in the world who share a few common traits in their individual bodies of work and creation, but ultimately, they are truly choosing an uncommon path and are breaking ranks with such enthusiasm and unique style and grace. It's going to be great! We'll cover pleasure, sex, money, creativity, ene