Coming Undone With The Tenacious Minx

It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way ~ Rhonda Burns



Rendezvous With Rhonda Radio Show Having the life-long whisper in my Universe, "It Doesn't Have to Be This Way", I finally allowed myself to discern what it was trying to say. And, what my part in all of it was and is. Following up on last week's tidal wave all about emotions and energy in motion, this week I'm going to add some layers of things to consider as we evolve this topic. Ever wondered why emotions get such a bad wrap? It doesn't have to be this way. What do the rise of "Anger Rooms", the opiod addiction crisis, physical ailments and "A Million Little Things" have in common? It doesn't have to be this way. So much to consider and crack open about all this, so please join me this week to find out more as I dive in further to this topic.  FOR THE GUYS: As Rhonda mentioned at the end of the show, she's inviting a SELECT few men, max of 30, into a brand new opportunity as she opened the doors today to "The Beyond Bravado Experience for Men". Starts in January 2020 and is an exclusive, intimate group - w