Coming Undone With The Tenacious Minx

Venturing Outside of “Vanilla” ~ Rhonda Burns



Coming Undone With The Tenacious Minx Radio Show with Rhonda Burns Plain vanilla =  lacking special features or qualities : basic. How much of your life has become, or has always been basic, plain vanilla and just more of the "same old, same old"? Join Rhonda this week as she invites you to aspects of life, living and pleasure outside the vanilla variety, including potential sexual adventures and playgrounds you may have either not given yourself permission to explore, but always wanted to. Or heck, you may hear or learn something that sparks something completely new, yet exciting with limitless potential and possibilities for you.  Welcome to COMING UNDONE with the TENACIOUS MINX It's all about coming undone from conditioning, poor modeling and bogus beliefs to come alive and truly thrive. AKA: FREEDOM. Together, we learn, explore, transform, laugh, play and show up greater, so that we can remind not only ourselves of our greatest potential & possibilities, but to invite others to know it for themselves as w