Coming Undone With The Tenacious Minx

What Are You Doing for the Wrong Reasons? ~ Rhonda Burns



Coming Undone With The Tenacious Minx Radio Show with Rhonda Burns How many daily decisions do you make in your life for the wrong reasons? Perhaps you know you're making them, perhaps not. The ones you make knowingly - have you ever given pause, or stopped to consider why you keep choosing that way? What reasons and justifications are you selling yourself that keep you choosing for the wrong reasons? What does this compound and create for you day after day? What if the wake-up call you need or desire is right here, right now? Are you willing to make a different choice to create different than what you have been? Come join me as we clear out some more BS patterns and programs that have us continue choosing life, love, money, success, relationships, etc. for the "wrong" reasons. Welcome to COMING UNDONE with the TENACIOUS MINX It's all about coming undone from conditioning, poor modeling and bogus beliefs to come alive and truly thrive. AKA: FREEDOM. Together, we learn, explore, transform, laugh, play and show