Coming Undone With The Tenacious Minx

If You Aren’t Doing Your Partner, Who Is? ~ Rhonda Burns



Coming Undone With The Tenacious Minx Radio Show with Rhonda Burns Do you have your head in the sand about what may be happening with your partner outside your inactive sexual bed? Having come across numerous situations with partners of couples that are in denial of what's actually happening with their romantic partner when sex isn't happening at home, I'd LOVE to talk about who's actually doing whom, where and possibly what. Is playing clueless or rejecting the notion your partner might be getting it elsewhere creating what you'd like to have at home? Tune in Wednesday, April 4th to see what The Minx has to say about all this and see what gets created! Welcome to COMING UNDONE with the TENACIOUS MINX It's all about coming undone from conditioning, poor modeling and bogus beliefs to come alive and truly thrive. AKA: FREEDOM. Together, we learn, explore, transform, laugh, play and show up greater, so that we can remind not only ourselves of our greatest potential & possibilities, but to invite others to know i