Coming Undone With The Tenacious Minx

Is the Devil in the Detail? ~ Rhonda Burns



 Coming Undone With The Tenacious Minx Radio Show with Rhonda Burns You may have heard the idiom, "The devil is in the detail" before. Do you know what it means? Do you know what preceded this phrase that's so often used in society? Want to know what lit a fuse under my butt that prompted this conversation about detail and attention to it? Does it matter? Why does it matter? Why am I so passionate about detail & details? Come play and find out! It might just change the way you choose to show up in your own life.  Welcome to COMING UNDONE with the TENACIOUS MINX It's all about coming undone from conditioning, poor modeling and bogus beliefs to come alive and truly thrive. AKA: FREEDOM. Together, we learn, explore, transform, laugh, play and show up greater, so that we can remind not only ourselves of our greatest potential & possibilities, but to invite others to know it for themselves as well. Be sure to grab your FREE gift from Rhonda on her website: It's a "mojo" activation/meditation