Coming Undone With The Tenacious Minx

Why Is It All Falling Apart? ~ Rhonda Burns



Coming Undone With The Tenacious Minx Radio Show with Rhonda Burns. Does it feel, or has it felt, like your life is falling apart?  Maybe your money game is crashing and burning, or your relationships are off the rails? Often, when things go bad, they go really bad; like, "The sky is falling" - bad. It feels as though everything is falling apart. What is this phenomenon and how do we go about a) handling it, b) stopping it, and c) changing it? It's tough to keep going when nothing seems to be going right or well (everything is falling apart), but what if there's just information required and a different set of tools to work with? Let's dive in to this conversation and do what we can to uncover some truth and create some ease when this shows up in our lives. Welcome to COMING UNDONE with the TENACIOUS MINX. It's all about coming undone from conditioning, poor modeling and bogus beliefs to come alive and truly thrive. Together, we learn, explore, transform, laugh, play and show up greater, so that we can remind