Work And A Life ~ Carol Glover

From Isolation to Connection with Carolyn Dawn Good



Carolyn Dawn Good is a cross-disciplinary artist originally from a tiny town just outside Elmira. She grew up as a Mennonite preachers kid and headed to the west coast in 1986 only to return to Ontario a couple years ago. She looks at life through a different lens. Her BFA from University of the Arts and her recent small business venture program at Conestoga College are like yin and yang balance to this outlook. Her custom artwork gives people hope, inspires them to embrace their own creativity and is the source of much inspiration. In this episode of Work and a Life we'll discuss how Carolyn has evolved from a creative wanderer to a savvy businesswoman without sacrificing her power. She'll be telling the story in a creative visualization metaphor that you can plug your own issue in an imagine a creative solution. You may find out more about Carolyn Dawn Good: Facebook: Vimeo: Scribd: