Beyond Your Wildest Genes

[BYWG PODCAST] Soul Inspired Gurl



Throughout most of my life I have been the woman who has felt most comfortable sitting across the table sipping coffee, having conversations that other people weren’t having. To me, the message between the words was the part that I have always been most interested in and somehow this became the thread that is woven through all my endeavors as a chiropractor, retreat leader, coach, speaker and mom. For over twenty years I have had the honour of adjusting thousands of individuals and their families at my chiropractic clinic. My clinic became the place where some of my earliest coaching experiences began and was where I honed my ability to tap into the parts of ourselves that weren’t being heard. With time, I took more to the speaking platform, wrote more of my own truths for my online community and shared my teachings through workshops and retreats. My work is entirely with women – women who know they want more: ~more clarity, ~ more grounding, ~ more self-honoring and  more empowered actions. Women who feel in