Financially Speaking ~ Kathy Cook Noble

Make Friends With Money Special Guest ~ Betty Mae Glen



Financially Speaking with Kathy Cook Noble Radio Show Betty Mae Glen asks: Do you ever... feel frustrated that a given financial situation is not at all what you would like it to be? You can’t place a finger on it, but it’s like there’s something stopping you from having as much freedom with money as you expected at this point in your life? Are you wondering how to change all this? What if I told you... that the money blocks hiding inside you could in fact be directly limiting and sabotaging your ability to have more flow with money. None of us want stagnation in our bodies. Neither do we want it in our moneys or our relationships. Yet we tense up physically when we hear “Visa bill” or “income tax” or “root canal”. There’s a connection. I’m super excited to welcome the brilliance of Betty Mae Glen join us and share how to get the right money mindset. You don’t want to miss this. Join us! Betty Mae opens possibilities and changes realities. Her full-hearted approach shows you how to be happier, healthier & mor